
How Giving Impacts Success

Let’s discuss success first. What does success look like to you? Is it your job title, or the size of your house or bank account, or is it having the ability to be generous to others? If you believe that happiness and joy define success for you in your life, then giving plays a huge role in your success. If you believe that connection with other people and even love define success in your life, then giving plays a huge role in your success.  If your definition of success is primarily helping others less fortunate than yourself, no matter where you are on the financial scale, then giving plays a huge role in your success.   Why? You might ask. Simple:  Proverbs 11:25 says: A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. 2 Corinthians 9:6 says: “Remember this:  Whoever sows sparingly  will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously  will also reap generously.” NIV  As you ...

Self-Talk and Why It Matters

I AM... What we say to ourselves everyday has a great impact on our entire lives, including our physical health, the health of our relationships, our  successes  and failures, and our self-confidence, self-image and reflection  of ourselves.   Our self-talk, whether it’s spoken aloud or silently and mentally, reveals  how  we see ourselves, it’s our mirrored reflection of who we are.  It impacts our confidence. It affects our self-esteem. It determines our self-worth. What we perceive about ourselves is what others will see and, more than likely, they will perceive about us as well.  To improve your self-talk, first start with self-love. Loving ourselves is so important. I don’t mean being  self-absorbed or narcissistic but, rather, having a healthy love for  who God created you to be, and taking proper care of yourself physically,  mentally, emotionally, and spiritual...

Puppy Love

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm an  animal lover, and they also know that my main  animal love is the  four-legged-pooch-type,  also known as  "Man's best friend." 🐶 My furry family has taught me a lot, but of all the things that I've learned from  them,  the most important two things have been forgiveness and gratitude.  Forgiveness Now I'm not implying that you can abuse a dog and they will easily forgive and  forget. What I am saying is that when you  have to  leave them alone for an  extended period of time (like on Sundays when  we have church and work the  monthly food pantry or the monthly missions' luncheon and end up  being away from them for hours), even though they've given you their best  sad-eyed-I-can't-believe-you're-leaving-me guilt trip as you're walking out the door, the moment you return all is forgiven and  they are...


Our washing machine went out so my daughter and I are at the laundry mat washing our clothes. This is something I have not had to do for almost seven years, and my how things have changed! At least at this laundry mat, where you now purchase a card with either cash or your debit card and then add money to your laundry card. Then you simply insert the card into the washer or dryer and it pays for your wash and dry. Seems strange (and yet cool) to me, however I should have expected some changes like this. The world is so different in many ways now than it was just a few short years ago with most things being purchased only through cards. I guess I just wasn't expecting the laundry mat to be so advanced and up with the times!  Makes me wonder what other things have changed as well. What other technical advancements have I missed? I will be looking into this, mainly out of curiosity, while I continue to be grateful for all the many ...