Self-Talk and Why It Matters
I AM... What we say to ourselves everyday has a great impact on our entire lives, including our physical health, the health of our relationships, our successes and failures, and our self-confidence, self-image and reflection of ourselves. Our self-talk, whether it’s spoken aloud or silently and mentally, reveals how we see ourselves, it’s our mirrored reflection of who we are. It impacts our confidence. It affects our self-esteem. It determines our self-worth. What we perceive about ourselves is what others will see and, more than likely, they will perceive about us as well. To improve your self-talk, first start with self-love. Loving ourselves is so important. I don’t mean being self-absorbed or narcissistic but, rather, having a healthy love for who God created you to be, and taking proper care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritual...