
Showing posts from August, 2016

Failure or Success?

Failure or Success? In my lifetime I have "failed". A lot. In many areas. Including:  Relationships, p arenting, b usiness ventures, and f inances. However, I do not consider myself a failure or that these failures are actually failures.  On the contrary, I have only found ways that do not work.  Let me explain. I can choose to accept the fact that many of my relationships, parenting techniques, business adventures, and financial struggles are truly  failures and   QUIT.  OR I can press on, realizing that the plan that I purposed and put into execution was flawed, then, I am able to choose to accept the defeated plan, and   create a new plan!  Since I haven't QUIT improving my relationships, parenting techniques, business ventures, and finances, I am not a failure! I have simply learned what does not work.  Many successful people have learned this golden nugget, and now I sh...

Dreams & Visions for Your Future

Dreams & Visions for Your Future Do you dream of a future full of success, happiness and prosperity?  It all begins with a single thought.  Followed by a dream and shadowed by a vision.  And finally pursued physically by action.  You can create the future you desire to live, if only you will put your mind to it!  One of the most important lessons I have learned is this: I am where I am in life because of my own thoughts . It is not my upbringing, or life circumstances, or even the hand that I was dealt that had kept me from living an abundant, fulfilled, joyful life.  It was my wrong thinking. Once I began to earnestly seek God and His desire for my life, I began to discover that I did not believe that I was worthy of such a life. This hard truth made me examine even further my negative thoughts, actions, and situation in life.  After grasping the reality that God has a plan for my life:...

On Purpose

On Purpose Walk with me, if you will, on this journey as I embark on the exploration of  how to  live a positive life, in spite of whatever circumstances may befall us.  Let us take some time to consider all the joy, happiness, fulfillment, peace and success that our lives will have, once we have chosen (and taken action) to live a positive life  on purpose! I firmly believe that  Positive living is a choice, it's something that you do on purpose.  You alone have the ability to choose to be grateful or regretful. You can choose to be grateful for what you have, while working on getting everything else you need and want, or you can choose to murmur and complain about what you are not in possession of now and how life isn't fair.   Everyday is a new day, a brand new opportunity to change the way you see your world, and by changing your perception, you can change your life for the better. Will you chose to  see the...